Modern Miracle Men – United States Senate Document #264

Presented by Rex Beach, June 1936
United States GPO
Washington, D.C., 1936

This document is reproduced here in its entirety from a copy obtained from the United States Government Printing Office in Washington, D.C. . Anemic Earth was written in 1936, and submitted as part of a Congressional investigation into U.S. farming practices. The leading authorities of the day had been sounding the alarm that depleted soils were causing a significant decline in the nation’s health, evidenced by a steady increase in degenerative diseases. But when Congress saw the price tag on repairing the nation’s farm and range soils, they swept their own investigation under the carpet.

Concerning Dr. Charles Northen: “This quiet, unballyhooed pioneer and genius in the field of nutrition demonstrates that countless human ills stem from the fact that
impoverished soil of America no longer provides plant foods with the mineral elements essential to human nourishment and health! To overcome this alarming condition, he doctors sick soils and, by seeming miracles, raises truly healthy and health-giving fruits and vegetables.” – Rex Beach

Read the entire United States Senate Document #264